Fidel Herrera’s networks

On April 28, 2012 Mexican journalist Regina Martínez was strangled to death in her home in Xalapa. In order to continue her work, Forbidden Stories investigated Fidel Herrera Beltrán, the former governor of Veracruz Martínez regularly denounced as responsible of the wave of violence and corruption that plagued the state during his mandate.

Herrera – who is now 71 years old – has been for decades one of the most powerful politicians in the PRI, the party that has ruled Mexico for most of the past 70 years. Despite numerous investigations opened up against him in Mexico for money laundering and embezzlement, Herrera has never been convicted. His alleged links with the infamous Zetas cartel, who called him “Zeta 1” (or “The Boss”), did not stop him from enjoying a long political career in government.

Many in Mexico consider Herrera to be untouchable. That’s because throughout his career Fidel Herrera Beltrán has relied on powerful people to keep him protected.