Forbidden Stories

Terms of Use

The purpose of these Terms of Use (“Terms”) is to determine the contractual conditions of access, use and supply of the products and services offered by Freedom Voices Network, especially those accessed through the website 

The use of any of the services offered by Freedom Voices Network requires full acceptance of the Terms. 

The website is published by Freedom Voices Network, a non-profit organization registered in France under the 1901 Law of Associations. 

For any questions, requests or complaints, please contact the publisher by email at info [at]



Legal Disclaimer

The website is hosted by NO BLUE SCREEN SYSTEM (NBS System) SAS, headquartered at 23-25 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris, France. Phone: +33 1 58 56 60 80. SIRET number (company register): 423 410 901 00049. The server and its data are subject to French laws.


User: The User is any person who uses the website or any of the services offered on the website.

Intellectual Property

All the text, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced or represented on the Forbidden Stories website are protected worldwide by intellectual property rights, including copyright.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the Forbidden Stories website or elements thereof is strictly prohibited without Forbidden Stories’ explicit prior consent.

Any extraction or reuse by means of permanent or temporary transfer of all or part of the content of any data on this website, by any means or in any form, is strictly prohibited.

Forbidden Stories is a registered trademark and any use, reproduction or dissemination of these trademarks is strictly prohibited without Forbidden Stories’ explicit prior consent.

Registration and use of Personal Data

If the User supports Forbidden Stories’ activities, the User can, through the website:

  • Make a donation to Forbidden Stories
  • Subscribe to the Forbidden Stories newsletter

The User must provide the following information for these actions :

  • Newsletter : email address (mandatory), first and last name (optional). The User may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by using a link provided by Forbidden Stories.  
  • Donations : first and last name (mandatory, but an option is available to make the donation anonymous), email address (mandatory), and country of residence (mandatory).

The User can unsubscribe from our publications at any time.

Your personal data will not be sold or exchanged with third parties.

Personal Data and Right to Rectify

The User’s personal data that is needed to process donations may be transmitted to third parties involved in this process. Personal data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, and to solicit financial support for Forbidden Stories’ projects.

Under the French Law of 6 January 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify and object to any personal data concerning the User which is being kept by our organization. A request to exercise this right must be signed and accompanied by the photocopy of an identity document bearing the User’s signature.

We undertake to ensure that the collection and handling of personal data on this website is carried out in accordance with French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, electronic files and civil liberties (known as “Loi Informatique et Libertés”).

Any User who has provided personal information on this website has the right to object to the information (under article 38 of the law), to access it (under articles 39, 41 and 42 of law), and to rectify it (under article 40 of the law). 

To exercise this right, the User should send an email to info [at] 

This email should include the User’s name or the name of the User’s company/organization, and the User’s physical and/or email address. Access to or rectification of the data will be provided within a reasonable period after receipt of the request.

Limitation of Liability

The services offered by Forbidden Stories comply with French law. Forbidden Stories cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with laws in the country where the product is delivered or the service is provided. The User is solely responsible for complying with the legislation of the country of delivery.

Forbidden Stories cannot be held responsible for the performance of or changes in the services it offers when they are due to the quality of the Internet connection or to technical constraints.

Subject to public policy regulations, Forbidden Stories cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect harm or damage, including loss of profit, clientele or data or any other loss of intangible goods, loss of earnings or any other loss or harm which may result from use of the website or the impossibility of accessing it, even if Forbidden Stories has been told of the possibility of such harm or damage.

The website contains hypertext links to external websites over which Forbidden Stories has no control. The existence of links to other websites does not constitute approval of those websites or their content. Forbidden Stories cannot be held responsible for external content. 

Forbidden Stories does not guarantee the availability of these websites and cannot be held responsible for the content distributed on these websites or for the consequences of its use by the User.


The Forbidden Stories website may use cookies for the purpose of registering access and use of Forbidden Stories’ online services, and of improving personalized services.

Force Majeure

Forbidden Stories cannot be held responsible in the event of force majeure or any circumstance beyond its control.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The legal regulations applicable to the website’s content and to the transmission of data to and from the website are determined by French law. In the event of a dispute that cannot be settled out of court, the dispute shall be referred to the French courts that fall under the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeals. 

If one or more of the Terms’ clauses are held to be invalid, or are deemed to be invalid under a law or regulation or as a result of a final decision by a competent court, all the other clauses retain their full force and effect.