Three years after the death of Galizia — who has become an icon of the fight against corruption — it’s still unclear what will come of the judicial imbroglio in a country where corruption has infiltrated the highest tiers of power. The Maltese justice system, in and of itself, could have its own surprises, since helping erase evidence in a murder case is not considered a criminal offense on the island. It’s in this context of uncertainty — and distrust in judicial institutions — that Galizia’s family members created a foundation in her memory, the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, that aims to continue her work and put pressure on the Maltese authorities to continue the investigation.

“If I had to leave things to the police or the prosecution, that would lead nowhere,” said Matthew, Galizia’s oldest son, who has taken on the burden of his mother’s anti-corruption fight and fought to shine a light on her murder. “We have to fight for justice, for my mother’s murder and against the corruption that led to it to. You could think that the police are going to do their job, but they’re not, unless they’re constantly being scrutinized.”

As the case dragged on, Europol also threatened to pull its investigation. The European police agency did not wish to comment, but said that it had “dedicated hundreds of man-days in operational support” and is still actively involved in the investigation.

In July, another tragic turn nearly threatened to put an end to the case for good. Theuma, on whose shoulders rest the burden of the evidence, attempted to kill himself. He was found bathed in his own blood, his throat lacerated and his abdomen pierced by several knife stabs. Although he was in a high security house under police protection, and he was scheduled to testify the following day, several sources confirmed that it was indeed a suicide attempt. They invoked his fragile psychological condition due to the pressure of the recent events, as well as his suicidal thoughts. His vocal cords are damaged and it’s unsure when he will be able to testify in court on the most recent spate of recordings. 

On his hospital bed sits a note, written with the same capital letters used in his confession. This time, the piece of paper reads: “I hope Daphne’s children will forgive me.”