Daphne Project:
Three years after

The unswept corners of Daphne’s murder

On 16th October 2017, Daphne Caruana Galizia was brutally assassinated by a car bomb. The attack, which silenced the Maltese journalist, nonetheless didn’t silence her stories. Over the past three years, the Forbidden Stories network brought together 45 journalists from 18 international media outlets to form the Daphne Project, an initiative aiming to publish the stories she was pursuing and uncover the truth about the murder of the country’s most renowned corruption reporter.

At the center of the investigation is Yorgen Fenech (here, on the photo), a powerful businessman that members of the Daphne Project identified as the key figure of an opaque financial system that can be traced all the way up to the highest levers of power in Malta.

Suspected to be the mastermind behind the murder, Fenech was arrested nearly a year ago but still hasn’t been formally tried. As the judicial investigation slowly progressed, the Daphne Project continued to pull the threads of the political and financial leads in order to shine a light on the murder that shocked Europe.

Our story

He was ready. Any day, the police might knock on the door of his house in southern Malta. He was about to be arrested for money laundering, and faced years in prison. But he wasn’t going down alone. So he prepared everything. In an empty ice cream container, held tightly against his chest, were photos, phones, and three USB drives with compromising information. He had sworn not to open the container until he was safely in the presence of a top police investigator.

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Ein Mafiastaat, mitten in Europa

Der Mord an der Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia stürzte Malta in eine Krise. Nun kommt heraus: Die Regierung war Teil des Komplotts.


Le nuove piste del caso Daphne

Tre anni dopo l’omicidio della giornalista maltese, numerosi indizi puntano a un potente uomo d’affari come mandante, Yorgen Fenech. Quest’ultimo nega ogni coinvolgimento, ma nuovi elementi rivelati dal Daphne Project, mettono in discussione la sua versione.


Gli intoccabili, la bomba e la mafia

C’è un gruppo di criminali a Malta, i Maksar, che gestisce i traffici più redditizi e può vantare contatti con cosa nostra. Secondo testimonianze inedite hanno fornito la bomba che ha ucciso la giornalista Daphne.


A Malte, l’enquête s’accélère sur les commanditaires

Trois ans après le meurtre de la blogueuse, de nouveaux éléments révélés par « Le Monde » et les médias partenaires du « Projet Daphne » mettent en cause l’homme d’affaires Yorgen Fenech, qui nie toute implication.


Als der Kronzeuge anfängt zu reden, bricht Panik aus

Die Ermittler im Mord an der Investigativiournalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia…


Verdäechtiger im mord an journalistin erhielt millionen üeber die schweiz

Eine geheime Firma, ein reicher Unternehmer, der auf seiner Jacht in…


Justice on trial: three years after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia

Four men have been charged over her killing – but the family believe the police investigation was sabotaged.


Europol threatened to walk away unless action taken against middleman

Malta police feared not enough evidence to proceed against Melvin Theuma.


Daphne Project: How Melvin Theuma got his pardon

Fenech lawyer says presidential pardon was ‘corruptly obtained’.


17 Black money trail leads to Switzerland, with links to Azerbaijan

It is not the first payment linked to Azerbaijan sent to the secret company.


Hush money offered to Daphne murder suspect's family by alleged bomb suppliers

Offer of €1,500 a month in exchange for il-Koħħu’s silence.


Malta’s mystery: gangland wars and no justice

Joint report by Times of Malta and Malta Today pieces together tal-Maksar’s rise.


Meurtre à Malte : l'enquête remonte la piste du pétrole genevois

Le businessman accusé d’avoir commandité l’assassinat de la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia a reçu 2,3 millions d’euros d’un trader actif à Genève. Les enquêteurs s’intéressent aussi à la puissante société Socar Trading.


Omicidio di Daphne Caruana Galizia: gli intoccabili, la bomba e i legami con la mafia

C’è un gruppo di criminali a Malta, i Maksar, che gestisce i traffici più redditizi e può vantare contatti con Cosa Nostra. Sono lo stesso gruppo citato nell’indagine per l’omicidio della giornalista come coloro i quali hanno fornito la bomba. A tre anni dall’assassinio restano a piede libero.


Three years on, Malta awaits justice for slain journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia

When a bomb exploded on the island of Malta three years ago, killing a campaigning journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, it sent a tremor across Europe, seeming to sum up a growing criminal threat to those who challenged corruption.


Die Wahrheit in der Eisbox

Vor drei Jahren wurde die Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia auf Malta getötet. Wie eng Politik und Verbrechen miteinander verstrickt sind, zeigt die Geschichte eines Kronzeugen.


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the more investigations we will complete.

Forbidden Stories is a non-profit project which relies on charitable foundations and on financial support from the public.
