Forbidden Stories

The Daphne Project

One year after, the revelations continue

A year has passed since Daphne Caruana Galizia’s brutal assassination. But the bomb who killed our Maltese colleague did not silence her investigations.

By Forbidden Stories

January 7. 2019

Forbidden Stories gathered 45 journalists from 15 countries to pick up Daphne’s work where she left it. Six month after its first publications, the Daphne Project makes new revelations.

All these stories are Daphne’s legacy and would not have been possible without her fearless reporting.

Our consortium continues to dispel the opacity of the « Passport for Sale » industry Daphne was denouncing. New exclusive documents reveal how Henley & Partners and its chairman Christian Kälin, the man who designed this lucrative system for the Maltese State, became closely involved in the political elections of several Carribean islands as the firm worked to spread the practice of selling passports across the region.

The tiny island of Malta is a strategic spot in the Mediterranean Sea for organized crime to secretly operate their smuggling networks. The Daphne Project delved into the darkest parts of Malta to track down the vessels hiding in their hatch fuel, cigarettes and drugs that are flooding the European market.

Daphne was famous with her investigations on corruption at the highest state level. She revealed the secret offshore companies owned by the minister of Tourism and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff . Her revelations, confirmed by the Panama Papers, eventually paved the way for judicial inquiries, which are still ongoing in Malta. Whilst these two officials, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, remain in office, the Daphne Project reveals their plan to secretly receive up to 2 millions euros from the director of Malta’s biggest power station.

The Daphne Project is also committed to investigate the assassination of Daphne, in search of the masterminds the Maltese authorities have so far failed to arrest. One year after the murder, several leads are not pursued. According to our information , the police has so far interviewed none of the politicians Daphne was writing about. The Daphne Project now reveals new potential connections between the Maltese Economy minister Christian Cardona and one of the suspects arrested for Daphne’s murder.

See also
